Monday, August 13, 2012

Doc, Dopey, Sneezy, Bashful, Grumpy, Happy, .... Sleepy?


Yes I am, but during the day. Not at night like most people. It gets about 4 and I crash here in the past week. I work pretty good with just getting 4 hours of sleep. So for those of you people thinking I get 8 hours of sleep, well you'd be wrong. Aha! I told you people I am not perfect.

I have been going through my magazine clippings. Let me just say I have some from 10 years ago. I used to read so many teen magazines that it was slightly sad. I guess it's why I'm addicted to Pinterest. It's a virtual magazine that I can create. I still subscribe to a few magazines but that's for later. Technology has really taken over everything.

I found two articles that really stood out. With my new scanner I scanned them and they are below:

Cindy Fedida April 2004 YM
PDF Download Here

Real Simple May 2011

PDF Download Here

I am fixing to get some sleep myself. Enjoy it!

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