Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Feeling better

Okay so I am so sorry for not writing in two days and Saturday's post being barely anything. My muses have not been working like they normally do but that has been cured as of today!

On Friday I had something from my past and present self weigh in on me. I have dreams where I hear and see things that might happen in my future or sometimes pasts of people's. I had an encounter with that and it freaked me and my family and friends out. It is a long story and dream but if you really ever want to know comment below and I will tell in a different post.

Vacation Bible School has gotten off to a great start. We had over 65 kids, 20 middle school age kids, and 30 teens. I think its been impressive. It is amazing to see other kids reaching out to others. I've been working with the little ones and the teens. It has really been a blessings.

I have loved spending some time with my brothers. I am looking forward in the next few weeks spending some time with each individual one. I have something planned for each of them. I don't want them to think I am not going to be there for them.

Chris and I are still doing very well. He is staying a couple of nights because of VBS. We have a lot of fun together still because we don't make demands on each other. We just enjoy each other's company because it won't always be this easy to see each other once school starts and we have discussed that. We are both stoked about going to school for different reasons. His curriculum is fixing to get more challenging and I'm start another new degree.

My vintage self at the moment is just looking and buying things off of ebay and Etsy. Click on the link to see my Etsy account. I love the content on there. I have a small field day every time I get on there.

Facebook and I might be departing. I have already begun to start working more with Google + because it has sooo much more to offer to me. Especially with school other things of that nature. It is a lot easier to connect with people and business that have the interests you want. It is a lot more mature than Facebook, and I'm beginning to think that it is really what I need.

Be sure to check out the pages on the top side bar.

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