Thursday, June 19, 2014

Fresh Start Challenge Day 28: Hit the Dirt.

Much like my best friend +Hunter  in her blog HERE, I am seriously OCD when it comes to being prepared and being clean. People laugh at us because we even organize our cleaning supplies and organizing supplies. Well we are just Type A people on that subject.

I take being prepared for severe weather very seriously. I am strong supporter of James Spann and his weather weeks during February and March. They will tell you just about anything about how to be prepared for weather.

In my post "Ready or Not" I supply the link for my Emergency Prepareness Board on Pinterest. Trust me I utilize these ideas now. Chris and I both are very serious on this matter. We follow Red Cross and FEMA instructions to the T. We have water and food on supply for everyone. We take the precautions for the pets.

When a warning goes off we usually have been prepared well in advance. We usually start watching the storms once they cross state lines.

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