Monday, February 18, 2013

Ready or Not

There are some things that life just throws at you that you may not be prepared for in emergencies. Sometimes, though, there are ways to be prepared. It will take a little more on your part. Being responsible is the key to surviving life's curve balls. Severe weather is no exception.

This coming weekend you can buy severe weather preparation items like weather radios and cell phone chargers tax free in Alabama. That's a start. If you don't live in Alabama suggest to your representatives for your state that you should be able to have a weekend like this as well too.

Here in Alabama people here the words "Severe weather" and our minds go to tornadoes because that's the majority of what we know. Severe weather can come in many forms. Floods, hurricanes, heat, earthquake, and snow in addition to tornadoes are just some of the possibilities.
April 27th
What Dippin Dots in Tuscaloosa looked like
after the storm (This was two days afterwards)

Each one of those are subjected to their own preparedness rituals. Since this week is the awareness week, find out about which ones affect the area where you live. Make a plan, review with your family, and then the week of March 3-9 of this year is where you put your emergency plan into action. Stock up on extra necessities for during an emergency.

I have been searching since April 27th on ways to stay prepared. I started with the government sites like, NOAAFEMA, and Red Cross. From there I just started searching for weather preparedness. Why is it so important to have a plan? Well it could mean the difference between having everything you love after the storm comes through or not even being alive yourself after the storm comes through.

I encourage everyone to do this.You have other things going on in your life that you feel are more important but just taking 30 minutes to educate yourself and make a plan can make all the difference even after the other events come through. Weather and nature happen no matter what social plans or plans that we have made for ourselves.

Belk at the University Mall
after the April  27th storms
There are phone apps even to help you prepare for all kinds of emergencies. A weather radio is perfect as well (make sure to have batteries in it and back up batteries!) Making small kits is great too.

I personally have a lot of preparedness items. I was a student at UA and witnessed first hand, devastation of April 27th in Tuscaloosa. For only a week and half before I was working at BAM when the severe struck Tuscaloosa the first time with barely any damage. The next time the storms came through was a different story. Don't ignore the weather people or think "oh well when it gets bad I'll go somewhere." Sometimes you don't have the time to do that. Either already be there or make a place in your own home for those situations.
Please take the next few weeks to prepare yourself for the situations that could arise in your area.Not just in your home either. Make sure your job has emegerncy plans that they know what to do when emergency weather strikes. Also churches and clubs that you belong to as well need a plan for emergencies. Around the country others will be doing be preparing so you won't be alone. Feel free to use the ideas that I have rounded up on my Pinterest for emergencies by clicking: HERE
The after math of April 27th after the AM in storms in Vance, AL.

April 27th
Midtown Village sign after the storms

Tide and Duracell helping people after the storms

April 27th,
Alberta in Tuscaloosa at what used to be a very busy intersection.

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