Friday, December 7, 2012

Semi-Review: Twinings Tea

I have always been fond of tea. I was raised with two different kinds of tea. Afternoon tea and Southern Sweet tea. Southern Sweet tea is to be "dranked" from a mason jar and many times I have sipped the southern staple just that way.

As I grew up I have learned to appreciate what a cup of hot tea can do for your body and for your soul. I was about 14 years old when I started drinking hot tea on a daily basis. Then when I was 16 I fell in love with Lipton's Pyramid tea. 

One of my very first blogs was on the Lipton's Vanilla Caramel Truffle Tea. I still have a strong love for that tea for it's simple sweetness. However, since the weather has turned cooler (I can't say cold because the high today was 75) I have enjoyed Twinings tea. I have to admit I had only had it once before in my life. When we went to Disney World, however, they had their tea on sale in United Kingdom tea shop.

I was so excited I bought four different Twinings teas! I bought their three minute iced tea, Christmas Tea, Winter Spice, and my FAVORITE English Breakfast Tea. All of these teas are excellent. The Christmas Tea has the most amazing flavor. If I'm not mistaken my exact words were, "This is exactly what Christmas should taste like." It is perfect to enjoy while celebrating the holidays. The Winter Spice is nice for a simple and amazing flavor to keep you warm after the holidays. This herbal tea has a delightful flavor. The ice tea was ok. I was slightly thrown off because I am used to the a Southern sweet ice tea but it grew on me. 

I highly recommend these to everyone. I promise I have new love for tea all the time now. It has become a staple in my household.

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